B2C lists media planning

Building lists recommendations is in COMBBASE's DNA

COMBBASE relies on its subsidiary EUROLEADS (BtoC, International),on its long-standing partner OKTOS and on a network of partners, which allows it to add value to its operational recommendations; to offer the best lists media planning and to reply in the morst suitable way - in a totally impartial manner - to customer demand...

COMBBASE relies bothonits subsidiaries,DATA PROJECT and EUROLEADS (France and International) and one network of partners in France and in Europe (List4Europe), which allows it to reply in the most suitable way - in a totally impartial manner - to customer demand.


Advice and support :Lists recommendations for direct mail campaigns, e-mailing, telema rketing (internationa lly: depending on the quality of theflies available and the prevaili ng legislation in each country)

  • Data processing(Postal Normalisation,deduplication,cleaning)
  • Coordination of deduplication plans (lists selection,net names negotiations)
  • Roll-out of digital marketingcampaigns: postal address,phoning, emailing,mobile I SM S campaigns,social networks,referencing, SEOISEM,retargeting
  • Enhanced customer data (demographic,email,mobile numbers appending etc.)
  • EUROLEADS'exclusive lists portfolio: Datacards Euroleads

Activities of COMBBASE are 80% in France and 20% international area EUROLEADS and List4Europe add an international area.


Lists Management

Euroleads is the oldests list manager in France, with some of our data owners marketing their lists exclusively through us since more than 25 years
Our list management policy is centered aroung a complete respect of legal framers, and in a totally transparents sales procces.
Combbase est une marque d’Adress Company – Adress Company 32 rue de Paradis 75020 Paris - France - Phone : + 33 (0)1 45 22 02 31 - Combbase - 2018 - All rights reserved